Mens’ Holiday Gift Guide 2021

Got to tell you something, many times the men in our lives seem to be the hardest to please when it comes to gifts. Of course this isn’t describing EVERYBODY, but on average most guys aren’t that blown away with gifts. If you know a guy who gets stoked for the underwear you give him, NEVER LET HIM GO! Kidding, sort of… as someone who loves to give gifts I like a little bit of emotion when they open something I give them. Anyways, I have gone in the wrong direction that I intended this opening to go. See below for my favorite picks of gifts for your guy this holiday season.

* This blog post contains affiliate links.

This thermometer by MEATER+ has changed our kitchen game for sure! It uses bluetooth to connect to your phone to give you the exact temperature on your phone whenever you need it. The MEATER+ app also allows you to look up the proper temperatures for different meats so you never under cook or over cook anything again. Your favorite cook, master griller or BBQ man will love this high tech tool in his wheel house.

I got this Melin hat for my husband because it advertises it’s moisture wicking technology. The hat lived up to the hype. It doesn’t hold a lot of moisture and it’s great for any taking into the pool and not having to worry about it getting wet. My husband has high expectations and he gives this one a thumbs up.

The Toadfish Crab & Lobster tool set is a game changer for the seafood loving guy. This Toadfish Crab & Lobster set comes with 2 Crab & Lobster shell crackers and 4 Seafood forks/picks and promises less of mess.

You’ve probably seen the Theragun thrown around on a lot of gift guides and they’re great at managing to get all up in your targeted ads (also apologizes because now you’re going to see them more after reading this). However, there is a reason you see the Theragun everywhere… it’s amazing. We have one and I can’t tell you how good it feels when you’re sore from an intense workout or in my case from trying to jump on the trampoline with my kids.

Everyone has that guy in their life that can make a mean cocktail. Those are the people that you should hold near and dear to your heart, always. NEVER let them go! If you’ve been to any cocktail bar lately and looked at their menu you will seem some sort of smoked cocktail on the list. Take that cocktail guy you know to the next level with this Cocktail Smoking Kit from Crate & Barrel.

This might be a controversial one and some of you might make a comparison to a similar looking shoe that starts with a c and ends with a c. The Floafers though take comfort to the next level without sacrificing your man’s style. When you go on a beach vacation and then go to dinner that evening does your man change his shoes from the beach to the dinner? Chances are he’s still rocking the same flip flops from the sand to the restaurant. These Floafers I promise will still be comfortable for him and avoid you having to look at his Shrek feet while you’re munching on some ceviche.

If you are tired of looking for his wallet give him some AirTags. For Apple users the AirTags work in the same way the “Find My iPhone” option works for your other devices. Whatever you put the AirTag on you can then track, play a noise to locate and report as missing. There are a lot of different accessories you can put the AirTags on like keychains, dog collars and above is the wallet insert. Save yourself from having to help him frantically search as he’s leaving the house again by putting some AirTags under the tree.

If you’ve got a boujee man chances are he will appreciate some Gucci slides.

The FORM Smart Swim Goggles have this really cool metrics display built into the goggles so the swimmer can see exactly how far and how fast they’re going. The data is traceable on the FORM app so anyone can monitor their progress and the app comes with guided workouts as well.

This Garmin Dash camera is very discreet and has accident detecting recording. The Dash Cam also has voice activation which allows the users to tell the camera to record. It’s great for safety or hopefully catching a video of a meteor falling from the sky to post and go viral with.

This baseball decanter is a sure conversation piece on any baseball loving guy’s bar. Plus it provides the ultimate flex for anyone in any flex needing moment. There’s really no comeback to, “oh yeah? Well I have a baseball decanter”.

For the guy who does nothing but talk about golf these BirdieBalls are the perfect campaign so he can practice anywhere. The BirdieBall will fly no more than 40 yards so it makes it safe enough for your favorite golfer to hit in the backyard. The BirdieBall is designed to feel and fly just like a real golf ball.

I love these fly fishing Cocktail Glasses from Vital. I have given my husband beer glasses from Vital before and they’re fantastic quality. We have had them for about 4 years now and they still are holding up great.

These joggers from Vuroi are the shit and these are not my words, these are my Dads. I gave them these for his birthday and he loves them. They fit not too tight and not too baggy. They make you feel like you’re slightly more dressed up than just wearing sweats. Actually, funny story I have on the women’s joggers right now.

I got this Yeti Tank for my husband about a year ago and we use it weekly, seriously. It sits outside on our patio and pretty much always full of some beverages. It’s like another fridge and we love it. Special thanks to our friends the Hights for the inspiration.

For more gift ideas please join my private Facebook group